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The Vision Summary

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Goal of Life

Life maximises its viability which is capitalization
an execution of a program using energy to build storage and other infrastructure for itself out of entropy. Programs that use energy poorly are erased by natural and economical selection in competition for limited sources of energy (such as clients’ money). Thus the goal of the program is to use energy in a way that will enable it to use more energy in the future. Simply because programs with other goals are erased by programs with this goal. That is not necessary about conscious goal, programs can have none or little consciousness.
Energy is about calories burnt in brains, muscles, engines to manage entropy, eg to build and deliver goods. Thus money is a medium of energy. Each payment triggers burn out of energy to build and deliver goods and services. The monetary equivalent of energy spend due to payments each year is c.$90tn - Gross Global Product. Future money or energy spent is capitalization.
Now you know that you are a part of the program evolving to maximize capitalization. Your program is your DNA, some knowledge, and most of all values or culture. Add some proteins (built as encoded in your DNA), your connections (build as encoded in your culture) and you have your machine which is a part of a larger which has a goal to maximize capitalization. If you help the machine it will likely reward you. If you make impediments, the immune system should work out (otherwise the machine will lose to a healthier machine).


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