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There is either DNA or Culture, everything else is entropy. That is perhaps the most detailed culture deck in the world. Full of stories from LATOKEN slack.
Valentin Preobrazhenskiy

I commit to:

Put clients first, ego last - never nurture grievances or selfish interests.
Demo or Die. Focus to deliver, never seek excuses and remove bad apples doing the opposite.
Make transparent and accountable work of yourself and teammates to remove freeriders and resolve blockers for sportsman.
Give candid feedback to level up performance, and eliminate talking behind the back.
Use any feedback to grow and never give up, never quit.
By doing the above, I will build the culture of Olympic Freedom and Responsibility for mission driven . ​

President of NVIDIA: “I’d rather torture you into greatness, rather than give up on you.”

By doing the above, I will build the culture of for the mission driven
Culture is not something what we have in our hearts. It is not a set of our beliefs. Culture is a set of actions. Who you are is what you do. Culture is how and which decisions are made, especially if no one sees.

We have beliefs and Principles and we will do everything to make them working. We leverage shocking rules to make it clear.
For example, if one is not following the Rule to be the client of the product her is building - her would not be able to build it.

A better culture is the reason for unicorns

Generally, new companies . The only reason is their new culture which can solve creativity paradoxes to punch through legacy players.
Culture is born in the war of economic selection. Culture is the war between the past and the future. Once a greater culture is born, it erases cultures of the past. Past cultures strive to survive and thus the war is imminent and intence as culturicide erases way more information than genocide.
We do not smell this war with rooten flash on the streets as the war is now on the markets. Cultures compete for clients via products and prices instead of guns. Thus the war is now global and ligtning fast.
Evolve culture lightning fast or die. That is evolution.

... Intuition is not enough, understand the mechanics

Why the culture of “Olympics of Principals Free and Responsible to Build the Future”

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