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Your Fast Track Interviews

Learn the culture deck and come through interviews if we could be the best place for you to grow and build the AIxWEB3 future.
Here at Latoken, we value the tenacity to grow and deliver to make the world a better place. Follow these steps to join us in building the AIxWEB3 future:
Learn About Our Culture and Product: Your first step is to thoroughly understand our company culture and the products we offer. To assist you, we provide resources and quizzes to help you gauge your understanding.
Decide If We're the Best Place for You in the World: We place talent to frontiers of technology and product to defeat entrophy and shift frontier. This is a wast opportunity for those who enjoy to lead in an environment of constant stress, chaos, failure and hardships. And a no go for those who seek comfort or work-life balance.
Open Doors Meeting with the CEO: Meet our CEO to discuss mission, culture and product (do homework to ask really valuable questions - read culture deck). This will deepen your understanding of our culture and goals. During this meeting, you'll also take a test to further ascertain your fit with our culture.
Participate in Our Hackathon: Here's where you get to put your knowledge into practice. Test an AI product or develop an MVP (it's recommended to choose an idea relevant to Latoken and your profession). We're keen to see your persistence and delivery skills in action. This is a significant stage where you can secure a job offer based on your performance.
Please note, your CV isn't the most crucial factor for us. We believe that the demonstration of your delivery skills provides a more reliable indication that your real life goal aligns with ours: making the world a better place.
Ready to take the first step? Apply via or
Batch Interview is your first meeting with your potential supervisor and (sometimes) CEO. You will be able to learn about the company mission, products, culture and demonstrate proof of your capacity to deliver.
Be well prepared to highlight your key achievements and background relevant for the role you applied. Try to fit in 60-90 seconds. Remember the rule “Waste of time is suicide. Waste of others time is a mass murder. Tell meaningful stories.”
The batch acquaintance usually takes 30 minutes, and includes a short company introduction. Note that this stage is a group interview, therefore each candidates gets 1-2 minutes for a short self-presentation ー use that time to impress the interviewers and move to the next stage.
Top candidates or those who have a next interviewer available could get a shortcut straight to one-on-one interview with Hiring Manager (Supervisor) right after Batch Interview.
Check your e-mail for an invitation to proceed further.

New companies generally should not exist.

New companies could exist only because they put together far greater team to build such a greater product to punch through status quo.

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